

本文章是历史架空文章,其主旨在于批判与讽刺纳粹主义。其中的人物和地名全为虚构,并不对应现实。同时本文是本人翻译文章,并不代表本人的立场,请审核给予通过,谢谢! 本文是作者直接翻译外网的,翻译很次,有很多词语原意不通顺所以本人私自更改了,很多地方翻译不好,请多多包涵。英语原文在中文正文后面。






看看这位国民革命军战士的过往,你会找到答案的。当他还是一个16岁的青少年时,他是如何投身于革命的浪潮中的; 30年代初,在山西省长阎锡山手下卖命,他将自己的智慧和精力奉献给了他的辖区——绥远;还有,他是如何顽强地抵抗日本的铁骑的,在战胜了德王之后又取得了一场场大捷的。




Was Fu Zuoyi a traitor?

Examine the past of this once-war hero and life-long

National Revolutionary Army fighter, and you shall find your answer. Hail, how he had hurled himself to the revolutionary flames of as a mere sixteen-year-old adolescent; hail, how he had, under Shanxi governor Yan Xishans command in the early 30s, dedicated his mind and vigor to the betterment of the patch of soil called Suiyuan under his watch; and hail, too, how he had fought tooth and nail to defend it against the Japanese jackboot, securing victory after decisive victory against the treacherous Demchugdongrub and his dogmasters.

But good fortunes are not to last. Eventually Suiyuan fell, then Shanxi too, under the blood-soaked bayonets brought forth by Operation Go-go; with this, Fu vanished along with his erstwhile superior. Its all too easy, then, to point fingers at the duos all-too-convenient reemergence just in time for negotiations, and their all-too-eager self-presentation as the definite solution to the border partisan problem, winning back Yan his precious home province, and winning Fu the wretched bandit lair that was Shaanxi. To the casual observer it might be inexpiable betrayal against China itself; to Fu, his one last bid at sheltering noble, like-minded patriots from total annihilation, even if it takes selling his very soul to the invader. So granted them a safe escape he did no matter Yans grumbles swearing on his life that one day, maybe one day, he would reunite with them in their crusade for liberation once more.

Onto that promise he held, as he tended to his new homeland and its people as he had done Suiyuan. Onto that promise he held, even as his old comrade Yan departed from life and as Shanxi submitted itself under his jurisdiction. Even today, as he stands as undisputed commander of two provinces, he holds onto that promise. Yet the spark of hope dims and dims before his eyes with every passing year- and as the butcher Tsuji makes his bloody waltz along Shaanxis western borders, Fu can only watch as the spark wavers and flickers, as if to be snuffed out the very next second.

Was Fu Zuoyi a traitor? Let history decide, for he has already done all that can.


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